
The programme of the Song Celebration


KOIT (Dawn)

Music: Mihkel Lüdig (1880–1958)
Lyrics: Friedrich Kuhlbars (1841–1924)
Arrangement: Harald Siiak (1923–2007)
Conductor: Heli Jürgenson

MU ISAMAA, MU ÕNN JA RÕÕM (Estonian national anthem)

Music: Fredrik Pacius (1809–1891)
Lyrics: Johann Voldemar Jannsen (1819–1890)
Conductor: Peeter Perens

VALGUST! (Light!)

Music: Pärt Uusberg (1986)
Lyrics: Hando Runnel (1938)
Conductor: Pärt Uusberg

ELU ON VOOLAMINE (Life is a flow)

Music: Mariliis Valkonen (1981)
Lyrics: Ly Seppel-Ehin (1943)
Conductor: Triin Koch

The piece has been composed for the Song Celebration 2023.


LÖÖGI KAJA  (Echo of a beat)  

Music: Teodor Hirvoja  (1999)
Conductor: Riivo Jõgi
The piece has been composed for the Song Celebration 2023.

LOOTUSE LAUL (Song of hope)

Music: Pärt Uusberg (1986)
Conductor: Bert Langeler
The piece has been composed for the Song Celebration 2023.

KUI MINA HAKKAN … (When I begin …)

Based on Estonian folk tunes “Kui mina hakkan laulemaie” and “Kadrilaul”.
Music: Tonio Tamra (1962)Conductor: Tarmo Kivisilla
The piece has been composed for the Song Celebration 2023.

MAJAKENE MERE ÄÄRES (Little house by the sea)

Music: Ülo Vinter (1924-2000)
Arrangement: Martin Pajumaa (2004)
Conductor: Mart Kivi
Arrangement has been set for the Song Celebration 2023.

LASKEM ELADA! (Let live!)

Paraphrase of Miina Härma’s „Tuljak“
Music: Riivo Jõgi (1987)
Conductor: Riivo Jõgi
The piece has been composed for the Song Celebration 2023.


RÕÕM ON TÄITNUD MAA (Joy has filled the land)

Music: Martin J. Sildos (1985)
Lyrics: Hanna Grete Rebane (2003)
Conductor: Niina Esko

HÜMN PÄIKESELE (Hymn to the sun)

From TV musical „Trove of the sun“
Music: Tõnis Kõrvits (1944)
Lyrics: Priit Aimla (1941)
Conductor: Jaanika Kuusik

ME LÄHME RUKIST LÕIKAMA (We are going to cut the rye)

Music: Riho Esko Maimets (1988), Estonian folk tune
Lyrics: Friedrich Kuhlbars (1841–1924), Leelo Tungal (1947), Estonian folklore
Estonian TV young children’s choir is playing the game „Me lähme rukist lõikama“

Conductor: Maret Poll
The piece has been composed for the Song Celebration 2023.

SOKK JA KUMMIK (A sock and a welly-boot)

Music: Andres Lemba (1969)
Lyrics: Jaanus Vaiksoo (1967)
Movement arrangement: Regina Rebane
Conductor: Annelii Traks
The piece has been composed for the Song Celebration 2023.

KODULAUL (Home song)

Music and lyrics: Ülo Vinter (1924–2000)
Orchestra arrangement: Andres Lemba (1968)
Conductor: Maret Poll


ÜLE MAARJAMAA (Over the land of Mary)

Music and lyrics: Triin Norman (1986)
Orchestra arrangement: Andres Lemba (1968)
Conductor: Mariliis Kreintaal

LOOME ELU ILUSA (We create a beautiful life)

Music: Rasmus Puur (1991)
Conductor: Janne Fridolin

KODUKEEL (Home language)

Music: Hans Georg Nägeli (1773–1836)
Arrangement: Veljo Tormis (1930–2017)
Lyrics: Ado Reinvald (1847–1922)
Conductor: Indrek Vijard

KÕIK ON ALLES EES (Everything is still ahead)

Music: Kadri Voorand (1986)
Lyrics: Jaanus Vaiksoo (1967)
Orchestra arrangement: Tõnis Kõrvits (1944)
Conductor: Kuldar Schüts
The piece has been composed for the Song Celebration 2023.

LAS JÄÄDA ÜKSKI METS (Let a forest remain)

Music: Andres Valkonen (1951)
Arrangement: Tõnis Kõrvits (1944)
Lyrics: Leelo Tungal (1947)
Conductor: Hirvo Surva
The arrangement has been set for the Song Celebration 2023.


SU PÕHJAMAA PÄIKESE KULLAST (The gold of your Nordic sun)

Music: Tuudur Vettik (1898–1982)
Lyrics: Markus Univer  (1878–1950)
Conductor: Pärt Uusberg

VÄINÄMÖISE TARKUSSÕNAD (Words of wisdom of Väinämöinen)

Music: Veljo Tormis (1930–2017)
Lyrics: Kanteletar 1:90, translation from Finnish: August Annist ja Ruth Mirov
Orchestra arrangement: Ülo Krigul (1978)
Conductor: Andrus Siimon

RAHU (Peace)

Music: Rein Rannap (1953)
Arrangement: Tõnu Kõrvits (1969)
Lyrics: Urmas Alender (1953–1994)
Conductor: Kuno Kerge


SIND MA TAHAN ARMASTADA (I want to love you)

Music: Sirje Kaasik (1958)
Lyrics: Leelo Tungal (1947)
Conductor: Maarja Soone

KIIGELAULUD (Swing songs)

IV cycle from the series „Estonian calendar songs“
Music: Veljo Tormis (1930–2017)
Lyrics: folklore
1. Narrow swing (Muhu)
Sea under the swing (Rõngu)
Apple tree (Koeru)
Movement arrangement: Liina Eero
Soloist: Jaanika Kuusik
Conductor: Ingrid Kõrvits


Music: Tõnu Kõrvits (1969)
Lyrics: Doris Kareva (1958)
Conductor: Aarne Saluveer

The piece has been composed for the Song Celebration 2023.

MINA JA MERI (Me and the sea)

Music ja Lyrics: Maili Metssalu (1988)
Arrangement: Tõnis Kõrvits (1944)
With ensemble RÜÜT
Conductor: Külli Kiivet

Arrangement has been set for the Song Celebration 2023.


Sümfooniline poeem „KOIT“ (Symphonic poem „Dawn“)

Music: Heino Eller (1887-1970)
Conductor: Jüri-Ruut Kangur

EESTI TANTS (Estonian dance)

Music: Harri Otsa (1926-2001)
Conductor: Ingrid Roose


Music: Rasmus Puur (1991)
Conductor: Imre Rohuväli
The piece has been composed for the Song Celebration 2023.


Music: Tõnis Kaumann (1971)
Conductor: Kaspar Mänd
The piece has been composed for the Song Celebration 2023.


TÕELINE JÕUD (Real power)

Music: Olav Ehala (1950)
Lyrics: Juhan Viiding (1948–1995)
Conductor: Mai Simson

KODU (Home)

Music: Karin Kuulpak (1994)
Lyrics: Ernst Enno (1875–1934)
Conductor: Ave Sopp


Music ja Lyrics: Mari Kalkun (1986)
Arrangement: Rasmus Puur (1991)
Movement arrangement: Maido Saar (1957)
Conductor: Vilve Maide
Arrangement has been set for the Song Celebration 2023.

NÜÜD HINGVAD INIMESED (Now people breathe)

Music: religious folk tune from Ridala
Arrangement: Cyrillus Kreek (1889–1962)
Instrumental Arrangement: Tanel-Eiko Novikov
Soloist: Tanel-Eiko Novikov (vibraphone)
Conductor: Elo Üleoja


KÜLA KUULEB (The village hears)

Music: Veljo Tormis (1930–2017)
Lyrics: arranged from folklore by Ülo Tedre (1928–2015)
Movement arrangement: Ingmar Jõela
Conductor: Raul Talmar

KODULAUL (Home song)

Music: Olav Ehala (1950)
Lyrics: Juhan Viiding (1948–1995)
Soloists: Pauline Vähi and Meelis Kesperi
Conductor: Markus Leppoja


Music: Ester Mägi (1922–2021)
Lyrics: Kalle Muuli (1958)
Conductor: Ksenija Grabova

VÄIKE EESTIMAINE LAUL (Little Estonian song)

Music: Erkki-Sven Tüür (1959)
Arrangement: Valter Soosalu (1992)
Lyrics: Leelo Tungal (1947)
Conductor: Valter Soosalu
Arrangement has been set for the Song Celebration 2023.


ILUS OLED, ISAMAA! (You are beautiful, fatherland!)

Music: Karl August Hermann (1851–1909)
Lyrics: Mihkel Veske (1843–1890)
Conductor: Lydia Rahula


Music: Peeter Konovalov (1962)
Arrangement: Tõnu Kõrvits (1969)
Lyrics: Heiti Talvik (1904–1947)
Conductor: Hirvo Surva
has been set for the Song Celebration 2023.

KÕIGE ALL (Under everything)

Music: Pärt Uusberg (1986)
Lyrics: Hando Runnel (1938)
Conductor: Pärt UusbergThe piece has been composed for the Song Celebration 2023.

TA LENDAB MESIPUU POOLE (He flies towards the bee-hive)

Music: Peep Sarapik (1949–1994)
Lyrics: Juhan Liiv (1864–1913)
Conductor: Taavi Esko

MU ISAMAA ON MINU ARM (My fatherland is my love)

Music: Gustav Ernesaks (1908–1993)
Lyrics: Lydia Koidula (1843–1886)
Conductor: Tõnu Kaljuste

MU RÕÕM ON LÕPUTU (My joy is endless)

Music ja Lyrics: Silver Sepp (1982)
Orchestra Arrangement: Pärt Uusberg
Soloist: Silver Sepp
Conductor: Aarne Saluveer
Arrangement has been set for the Song Celebration 2023.