The period for making preparations for the 13th youth song and dance celebration has been extended

The study process of the 13th youth song and dance celebrations has been extended by one year. This will give everyone a chance to prepare better for the upcoming song and dance celebration and help us ensure that it can take place safely. The additional year will alleviate the effect of the hindrances caused by the possible restrictions to the preparations for the song and dance celebration and ensure that the participants have better conditins for learning the repertoire. The registration to the youth celebration of 2023 will begin in September 2021.

According to the manager of the Song and Dance Celebration Foundation, Margus Toomla, the last year and a half have been most complicated for the whole of the cultural sector, including the song and dance celebration movement, as it has not been possible to rehearse or organise concerts and performances.

„Making preparations for the song and dance celebration usually requires everything that has turned out to be impossible during the last year – the face-to-face rehearsals of choris, orchestras and dance groups, taking part in large scale rehearsals organised in counties as well as the intense work during the celebration week,” said Toomla. He added: „The extended period for making preparations will greately reduce the effect of various possible restrictions for the groups preparing for the song and dance celebration as there will be more time for learning the repertoire.”

Margus Toomla said that the main goal for the next year is to join forces and bring the song and dance celebration out of the state of stillness caused by the pandemic. „The participants will have a lot fo work to do to prepare for all of the concerts, performances and countywide song celebrations that have been cancelled and also for restoring their artistic level – it means that they will have a very busy working period to look forward to.”

„The survey conducted in the beginning of the year among the leaders of choirs, dance groups and orchestras showed that they are optimistic and look forward to the autumn season when the can start working with their groups again,” said Toomla. „The survey showed that only a few of the groups have cancelled rehearsals completely. Every fifth has continued practicing online and this has helped them to maintain the sense of belonging,” described Toomla.

The participants will have a chance to start working with the repertoire already this autumn and winter and the artistic teams are going to make adjustments to the study process in order to make working with the repertoire easier for the groups and their leaders.

The 13th youth song and dance celebration will take place from 30 June to 2 July 2023 at Tallinn Song Festival Grounds and Kalevi Central Stadium. The registration to the youth celebration will begin in September 2021. The artistic director of the song celebration is Pärt Uusberg, the artistic directof of the dance celebration is Agne Kurrikoff-Herman and the artistic director of the folk music celebration is Juhan Uppin

Additional information:

Sten Weidebaum
e-mail: [email protected]
tel: (+372) 5 236 239