Read moreNewsVIEW ALLRegistration of choirs and orchestras from outside Estonia for Song and Dance Celebration 2025 startsXIIIth Youth Song Celebration has endedMore than 8000 dancers selected as participants at the “Bridges” dance celebration10 choirs and 4 dance groups from abroad hope to participate at the Song and Dance CelebrationRegistration for the 13th Youth Song and Dance Celebration Holy is the LandThe period for making preparations for the 13th youth song and dance celebration has been extendedThe 27th Song and 20th Dance Celebrations drew the largest number of participants and spectators to concerts everTickets for today’s concert sold outFun facts about the Song and Dance CelebrationThe dancers for the Dance Celebration have arrived in Tallinn to begin with rehearsalsParticipants in Song and Dance Celebration to include visiting groups from Australia to JapanThe choir from farthest away: an American Estonian helps us learn lyricsPress releasesVIEW ALLRegistration of choirs and orchestras from outside Estonia for Song and Dance Celebration 2025 startsXIIIth Youth Song Celebration has endedMore than 8000 dancers selected as participants at the “Bridges” dance celebrationRegistration for the 13th Youth Song and Dance Celebration Holy is the LandSong and Dance Celebration to become more eco-friendly than beforeParticipants in Song and Dance Celebration to include visiting groups from Australia to JapanRearrangements in Tallinn traffic and parking during Song and Dance Festival 2019Concert of foreign-Estonian folkdance groups “Ühendusmaa on Eestimaa”Folk Music Celebration moves to Freedom Square and is free for everyoneThe registration of groups for the XXVII Song Celebration and the XX Dance Celebration „My Fatherland is My Love“, to be held in 2019, has finished.Read moreVIEW ALLHow the Estonian Nation was born in a Swiss villageSong and Dance Celebration to become more eco-friendly than beforeParticipants in Song and Dance Celebration to include visiting groups from Australia to JapanThe choir from farthest away: an American Estonian helps us learn lyricsPeeter Perens: Our descendants have to be able to look back to our era and understand us through the songs and music created today.View the map of the places and times of the journey of the Song and Dance Celebration flamePõltsamaa starts making the Song and Dance Celebration soupsSong Celebration 150. The jubilee year of the Estonian Song and Dance celebration 2019HistoryVIEW ALLTHE BEGINNING, 19th CENTURYSONG CELEBRATIONS DURING THE FIRST REPUBLIC OF ESTONIASONG AND DANCE CELEBRATIONS DURING THE ERA OF SOVIET OCCUPATIONSONG AND DANCE CELEBRATIONS AFTER THE RESTORATION OF INDEPENDENCEXIII noorte laulu- ja tantsupiduVIEW ALLMore than 8000 dancers selected as participants at the “Bridges” dance celebrationRegistration for the 13th Youth Song and Dance Celebration Holy is the LandNewsletterVIEW ALLVisualRepertoireHeebelingSouvenirs10 choirs and 4 dancePartnersVIEW ALLAS Tallinna VesiEesti GaasEuroopa roheline pealinn 2023NikonSelverABC MotorsCity of TallinnMajor partnersVIEW ALLPõltsamaaBalbiino